Product Newsletter
logoBenchesTrash ReceptaclesRecycling BinsBike RacksCigarette ReceptaclesPlantersTables & ChairsTree GuardsTree Grates | phone 888.331.9464 | fax 402.421.9479


Signal measures trash receptacle fill-level status and sends real time data wirelessly to the accompanying network. Obtaining real time receptacle data allows for maximum collection efficiency and cost savings.

  Lincoln, NE - With Signal, you can identify high priority containers and pressing issues at a glance, saving time and money spent collecting half full waste bins and relocating those resources to more productive endeavors. Plan collection routes more efficiently with Signal’s accompanying web based software. Receive notifications when fill levels spike or bins report fire hazards. Rest easy knowing your receptacles are monitored by Signal.

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SiteScapes is excited to announce another project page publication, but this time it's a project especially near and dear to our hearts.

  SiteScapes has teamed with its home city of Lincoln, Nebraska on the Haymarket Community renovation. The founders of SiteScapes are lifelong residents and established this business in Lincoln 19 years ago. We are proud to have our products located in our community where residents, co-workers and friends can enjoy them.

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Product Catalog: Vol. 19

SiteScapes is so excited to announce the arrival of our new product catalog. Catalogs began mailing this week. Check you mailbox regularly!

  This year's catalog is our largest print offering yet and includes new collections and product additions like Signal Trash Sensors, Stadium Drink Rails, Solar Panel Umbrellas, FallCreek benches and more.

Just can't wait? Download a digital copy of the new catalog at

SiteScapes Inc.
P.O. Box 22326 Lincoln NE, 68542
phone 888.331.9464
fax 402.421.9479

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